Datum: vrijdag 22 april
Aanvang: 21:30

Every year, Leiden International short Film Experience is selecting the best short films of all genres and from all over the world and combines them with performances, art exhibitions, music and workshops to create a truly extraordinary cultural experience. This year, on April 29/30, LISFE is taking over Leiden’s cultural hotspot Haagweg 4 and transforms it into a place of discovery, inspiration, interesting encounters and thought-provoking exchanges.
This very Friday, Vrijplaats Leiden will host the LISFE preparty. Meet the crew, have a drink, enjoy an exclusive sneak preview of the festival with some of our favorites of this year’s selection and dance the night away to the tunes of Radio Tonka’s Leidsche Kwartiertjes DJ lamawaaien
We’d love to see you there!
With love,
The LISFE crew
LISFE 2016: https://www.facebook.com/events/966685223414840/
LISFE Website: www.lisfe.nl
Leiden International Short Film Experience 2016
Apr 29 – Apr 30 · Haagwegvier